These Translations Suck

Since I don't have enough useless hobbies (this is a lie), I've taken to inventing translations for Japanese comics. The results are here for you to enjoy or mock.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

nELYgima! Volume 1 Chapter 1 Pages 28-29

FINALLY! GOOD GOD THIS PAGE SUCKED! Not only were there 31 people to invent stuff for, but there were 31 people's worth of text to erase. Furthermore, said text was not in a textbox and was therefore much harder to erase. AND THE NEW TEXT HAD TO BE SO SMALL! GAAAAAH!
But I did get this spread done, which is awesome. The later ones will definitely be easier. Unfortunately, I have once again exhausted my set of scanned pages, so I'll need to scan a bunch more. Expect the stream of translations to return sometime soon!
By the way, I don't know if you can tell but my favorite character is Nodoka, followed by Yue. I masked it well, didn't I?

Pages 28-29


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